Large Sugar Roses and Hydrangea bouquet.
7 large sugar roses, 2 sugar buds, a mid-size sugar rose, 5 sets of sugar leaves and 2 sprigs of Hydrangea sugar flowers. Comes with a vase (stones not included) to put your arrangement in. For a more realistic look, the colours are shades of the colour of your choice, not solid colours. Beautiful large arrangement.
Large Sugar Rose & Hydrangea Bouquet
There exists a vast spectrum of colors, and the one you select may appear differently in person. Although we strive to accurately match colors, variations may occur due to differences in the website display, monitor settings, and shade perceptions. Our sugar flowers feature gradations of the chosen color, enhancing their lifelike appearance; however, they may not exactly show what is viewed online. Should you require a precise color match (for instance, to match with your wedding themes colours), please email to chat.